Dr. Bojana Radovanović
01.08.2024 - 31.08.2024
Mediävistik Archäologie
Forschungsthema am GWZO:
"Continuity and Change in Balkan Heterodox Landscape: From Medieval Paulicians to Contemporary Palćani"
- Häresie
- Heterodoxie
- der Balkan
- Byzanz
vorhergehender Aufenthalt am GWZO
01.10.2023 - 31.12.2023
Veröffentlichungen (Auswahl)
Radovanović, B. (2022). Female Imagery in Bogomil Myth, Exegesis and Social Reality: An Overview, Slavonica (Taylor & Francis Group), (presented at IMC Leeds 2021).
Radovanović, B. (2022). “Beyond Christian Ideology: Sketching theTypology of the Bogomil Beliefs at the Fringes of Heresy”. Proceedings of the Ninth International Scientific Symposium “Days of Justinian I”, ed. M.B.Panov, Skopje.
Radovanović, B.(2021). “Spreading the word: oral transmission of the Bogomilteachings, its symbolism, and biblical exegesis”, in: Proceedings of Colloquia Ceranea, University of Lodj, Studia Ceranea 11 (2021): 11–23.
Radovanović, B. (2021). “From ‘coats of skin’ to the ‘robe of glory’: on the (ascent/descent) journey of allegory in the Visio Isaiae and Interrogatio Iohannis and beyond”, in: Proceedings of the Eighth International Scientific Symposium “Days of Justinian I, ed. M.B.Panov, 155– 165, Skopje.