Alena Pantiukhina, PhD
02.01.2023 - 01.04.2023
GWZO Stipendium
Forschungsthema am GWZO
"Topographie und Trauma der Ukraine in der Prosa von F. Gorenstein"
- Russland
- Ukraine
- Russische Literatur
- historische Narrative
- postkoloniale und transkulturelle Studien
Veröffentlichungen (Auswahl)
- Thesis. Historical conceptions in the novel about modernity (F. Gorenstein, V. Sharov, M. Shishkin). Tomsk, 2020.
- Pantuhina A. Myth and Document in M. Shishkin's novel "Maidenhair" // Philology and Culture. Philology and Culture. 2021. No. 3 (65). p. 129-134.
- Pantuhina A. I. The myth of patience in the novel by V. Sharov "The Raising of Lazarus" // Russian literature in the twentieth century: names, problems, cultural dialogue. Issue. 11: Patience: artistic interpretation and creative practice in Russian literature of the twentieth century. Tomsk, 2021.