Porf. Dr. Arnold Bartetzky

Prof. Dr. Arnold Bartetzky

Head of Department Culture and Imagination Subject Coordinator for Art History
+49 (0) 341 97 35 580


Arnold Bartetzky was born in Zabrze, Poland. He studied art history, German (language and literature), philosophy and history in Freiburg, Tübingen and Krakow. He also briefly studied architecture at the Technical University of Berlin. Bartetzky received his PhD from the University of Freiburg in 1998.  Arnold Bartetzky has held teaching assignments at the University of Leipzig since 1998 and in 2016, was named Honorary Professor of Art History at the University of Leipzig. His activities include journalistic contributions in the fields of architecture, urban planning, the preservation of historical monuments and art, including as a regular author for the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung as well as voluntary involvement in expert committees dealing with the built environment and the promotion of science. 

Arnold Bartetzky has been a researcher at the GWZO since 1995 and since 2011, Subject Coordinator for Art History. He has been Head of the department »Culture and Imagination« at GWZO since 2017.

Work focus

  • Architecture and urban planning from the early modern period to the present

  • Preservation of historical monuments and handling of cultural heritage

  • Visual historical culture and political iconography

  • Social utopias

Functions (on committees)/memberships

  • Expert Committee for Heritage Preservation and Urban Planning [Expertengruppe Städtebaulicher Denkmalschutz] at the German Federal Ministry of Construction (Chair 2014-2019)

  • Advisory Board of the German Historical Institute in Warsaw

  • Advisory Board of the German Institute for Urban Design [Deutsches Institut für Stadtbaukunst] at the University of Dortmund

  • Working Group for Public Relations of the German National Committee for Heritage Preservation [Deutsches Nationalkomitee für Denkmalschutz]

  • Board of Trustees of the Böckler-Mare-Balticum Foundation – Expert juror for the Architecture Prize of the City of Leipzig

  • Member of the Leipzig local board of trustees of the German Foundation for Monument Protection

  • Member of the editorial board of the journal »Leipziger Blätter«


  • 2001 Award from Societas Jablonoviana e.V. [Jablonowski Scientific Society] in Leipzig for achievements in research on the history of Polish art and its propagation in Germany

  • 2002 Prize awarded by the Dr.-Katarzyna-Cieślak Foundation for the doctoral thesis on the Great Arsenal in Gdańsk

  • 2012 Journalism Award of the German Prize for Heritage Preservation [Journalistenpreis des Deutschen Preises für Denkmalschutz]

  • Since 2016 Elected Member of the German Academy for Urban and Regional Planning [Deutsche Akademie für Städtebau und Landesplanung]

Series issuance

  • Co-editor of the GWZO book series »Visuelle Geschichtskultur« (Böhlau Verlag)

  • Co-editor of the GWZO book series »Forschungen zur Geschichte und Kultur des östlichen Mitteleuropa« (Böhlau Verlag)


As Honorary Professor Arnold Bartetzky lectures regularly at the Institute of Art History of the University of Leipzig.

Current topic of research

Architecture and urban construction are continually linked to ideas of a new and better society. This study examines the history of these ideas and their constructed results — from the visions of the Enlightenment through the utopias of the 19th and 20th centuries to the alternative housing projects of our current age. 

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The eastern half of Europe is a clearer example than almost any other part of the world that cultural goods that are at first pushed aside as the relics of an unwelcome past can with time be adopted as heritage. The case studies examine these processes, drawing a line from the 19th century to the present.

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