Stereoskopie des Marktplatzes von Turnov, 1921, © Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.


Within the GWZO Junior Research Group, researchers from the fields of history, cultural studies and political science develop new comparative approaches to Eastern Europe.

The Junior Research Group was led by Dr. Corinne Geering until January 2025. On 1 February 2025, Dr. Corinne Geering was appointed to the tenure-track professorship 'Transformative Change in a Social Science and Humanities Perspective' at the Johannes Kepler University Linz.

GWZO Junior Research Group

Contrasting East Central Europe

The GWZO Junior Research Group »Contrasting East Central Europe« was established in April 2019. The group examines cultural and social change in East Central Europe in comparison with other European sub-regions and across the world. The group’s research pursues a transnational and transregional approach that opens up the regional focus to the East and to the West and considers the regional processes in a global context. For this, the Junior Research Group draws on current debates in area studies and global studies and combines comparative methods with those of transfer and entanglement. By considering contrasts, crises and caesura, the group’s research uses multiple perspectives, dynamic conditions and spatial overlaps as a point of departure for comparison.

As a key element of the institute’s career development goals, the Junior Research Group is attached to the Directorate. The group members engage in regular interdisciplinary exchange with the researchers of from various GWZO departments.

Publications of the Junior Research Group

Publications from 2019–2020

Insights into the work of the GWZO Junior Research Group


Research Lab “Valorisation and Commodification” within the Leibniz Research Alliance “Value of the Past”

The Leibniz Research Alliance »Value of the Past« was launched in 2021. The GWZO is a full member of this alliance alongside twenty institutions of the Leibniz Association and numerous national and international cooperation partners. Dr Corinne Geering took on the role of speaker in one of nine research labs within the research alliance, together with Dr Torsten Meyer (Leibniz Research Museum for Geo-resources in Bochum). Their research lab “Valorisation and Commodification” examines the economic uses of the past: this includes history marketing, the role of the past in cultural and creative industries as well as the use of the past in urban and regional development.

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Moving Beyond the »Post-Soviet«: Future Approaches of Urban Studies in the Region(s)

Together with invited experts from Tallinn University, the University of Gdańsk and the Leibniz Institute for Regional Geography (IfL), an open podium discussion on 26 June at the GWZO will focus on contemporary critiques and future alternatives around the concept of »Post-Soviet« in urban studies. Where do »post-Socialist« and »Post-Soviet« intersect and where do they diverge? How can we look critically at the two frameworks in comparison? How have the consequences of the war affected existing conceptual frameworks in the field? The podium discussion will take place on-site, in the GWZO conference room (4th floor) on 26 June, starting at 17:00.

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New Research Project on Heritage and Post-Soviet Urban Development

The collaborative research project »Cities Building Culture – Built Heritage in Post-Soviet Urban Development« started its activities in April 2021. It is conducted in cooperation with the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and the RWTH Aachen. The sub-project “Values of Built Heritage” at GWZO is led by Dr Corinne Geering and Prof. Dr Arnold Bartetzky.

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Magnitogorsk in Russland


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