GWZO-Abteilung Wissenstransfer und Vernetzung

Divisions of the Directorate

»Transfer and Publishing«

The GWZO's transfer activities and the dissemination of the institute's in-depth knowledge on Central and Eastern Europe are coordinated and carried out in the »Transfer and Publishing« department. The scientific research results from all of the GWZO's departments are shared internationally in the form of specialist reference books and manuals. Additionally, this department develops various formats and produces materials for press and media relations and public engagement.

Headed by: Prof. Dr. Maren Röger (Director) and PD Dr. Adamantios Th. Skordos (Research Manager)



Visualisierung des neunbändigen Handbuch serie

The Publishing Coordination Office is the point of contact for in-house publication projects and series. It also supervises the editorial project »Handbook of the History of Art in East Central Europe«.

Book series: Armenians in Eastern Europe

GWZO-Buchreihe Armenier im östlichen Europa

The German-English book series Armenians in Eastern Europe has been published by Böhlau Publishing House since 2014. It presents the latest findings of research on Armenians and makes research literature and sources, which were previously only available in less common languages, accessible to the public in translation.

Knowledge and Communication

Mitropa, the GWZO's annual magazine, Reading for all

Public engagement is a crucial component of the academic system. Our knowledge and communications team is responsible for media and public relations activities, organises events with a wide public impact and publishes the magazine »Mitropa« as well as an annual report.