Die Weltkarte als Zeitungscollage


The Department Entanglements and Globalisation

In this department, researchers from the disciplines of contemporary history, global and economic history, art and literary studies as well as cultural history work together on a transnational history of Eastern Europe.

The department is headed by Prof. Dr. Frank Hadler.


Entanglements and Globalisation

This department's research aims to explain historical processes of entanglement — some reverberating into the present — in economics, politics, culture, academia and the law. On the one hand, its focus lies on social change in Eastern Europe tied to trans-local, transnational and transregional transfers of peoples, ideas and goods; on the other, it studies Eastern Europe as a world region positioned along global West-East and North-South lines.

Its economic, political, cultural, academic and legal historical studies relate closely to the GWZO’s overarching themes and are situated at the intersection of regional history, modern global history, comparative area studies and historical cultural studies. They share a focus on Eastern Europe’s contribution to supra-regional interconnections since the Early Modern Period as well as the region’s role and position in processes of globalisation.

The department critically interrogates interpretations that characterise Eastern Europe as diverging from the »normal path« of global development, as being regressive, peripheral or imitative of overwhelmingly Western models. With its interdisciplinary approaches, its international team actively contributes to the development of new categories, methods and theories in the rapidly expanding field of transregional research.

Travel passport belonging to Bella Chagall

Subject Fields of the Department Entanglements and Globalisation

Global Economy

This subject area examines East European strategies of positioning within the global economy since the global condition of the middle of the 19th century to the present. It focuses on transnational and transregional trade relationships, capital flows and networks of economic actors as well as the transfer of technologies and concepts of development.

Circulation of Knowledge

This subject area centres around actors and institutions of the history of different disciplines of East European knowledge and science and their networks. It examines this region's production of knowledge about the world and about Eastern Europe in other parts of the world in the humanities, economics and the natural sciences and its circulation.

International Positionings

This subject area focuses on positioning strategies and the influence of East European actors in international organisations as well as in the negotiation of international conflict solutions. It examines how they operate against the backdrop of diverse interplays between supra-regional problem fields and political orders in the region.


Research into the field of international cultural transfer has revealed the reciprocal impact of intercultural encounters and the degree to which these contribute to the transformation of individual nations and societies. Examining interculturality in Eastern Europe means expanding one’s focus to processes of transnational entanglement.

Completed Research Themes and Projects


Publications 2017-2020

From the Department’s Work

Ostmitteleuropa Transnational. Handbuch einer transnationalen Geschichte Ostmitteleuropas

This multi-volume publication project is the first attempt worldwide to offer a comprehensive view of the history of trans-nationalisation in a major European region. The first volume covers the time from the development of the »global condition« in the mid-19th century to the First World War; the second volume will treat the years from 1914/18 to 1945/48, and the third the period of state socialism in East-Central Europe.

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Cover des Handbuchs einer transnationalen Geschichte

The GWZO on Air | Forschungsquartett on detekor.fm

This podcast presents preliminary research results of the project network »Multiple Transformationen: Gesellschaftliche Erfahrung und kultureller Wandel in Ostdeutschland und Ostmitteleuropa vor und nach 1989« [Multiple Transformations: Societal Experiences and Cultural Change in East Germany and Eastern Middle Europe Pre- and Post-1989], funded by the Saxon State Ministry of Science, Culture and Tourism (SMWK). Among other topics, Beáta Hock speaks about cultural promotion in the former Eastern bloc and about the cultural scene’s complete re-orientation around the time of the political and social transformation in the former socialist countries of East Central Europe.

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Screenshot der Sendung beim detektor.fm

The GWZO’s Sub-Project in the SFB 199

The DFG has extended the collaborative research centre »Processes of Spatialisation under the Global Condition« for a further funding period. This cooperation between the University of Leipzig, the GWZO, the Leibniz Institute for Regional Geography (ifL) and the Technical University Dresden began its second funding period in early 2020. The GWZO sub-project B03 »Social Development Models for the Third World« is led by Frank Hadler, Uwe Müller and Stefan Troebst.

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Tanzanier vor dem RGW-Gebäude, 1971.

New Publications

Lucie Dušková und Ger Duijzings (eds.) , Working At Night - The Temporal Organisation of Labour Across Political and Economic Regimes, Oldenbourg 2022

The night represents almost universally a special, liminal or »out of the ordinary« temporal zone with its own meanings, possibilities and dangers, and political, cultural, religious and social implications. Only in the modern era was the night systematically »colonised« and nocturnal activity »normalised«, in terms of (industrial) labour and production processes. This volume draws attention to the extended work hours and night shift work, which have remained underexplored in the social sciences. By describing various political and economic »regimes«, it argues that, from the viewpoint of global labour history, night labour and the spread of 24/7 production and services should not be seen, only and exclusively, as an epiphenomenon of capitalist production, but rather as one of the outcomes of industrial modernity. 

Gözde Yazıcı Cörüt, Loyalty and Citizenship. Ottoman Perspectives on its Russian Border Region (1878–1914), Göttingen 2021

The main concern of this book is with Ottoman efforts to establish sovereignty on its side of the repositioned Russo-Ottoman border, focusing on issues of state and citizenship. It attempts to answer the following questions: How was the Ottoman citizenry defined here? Through which policies and practices was the sovereign territory (re)constructed during the period between the Treaty of Berlin (1878) and the start of the First World War (1914)? How were people, communities, and their lands included and excluded and how did this impact on the daily lives and citizenship status of those in the borderland region?


Visiting Scholars

Visiting Researchers at the GWZO



Conferences, Guest Lectures and More

10.04.2025, 09:30 -
11.04.2025, 13:00


Performances of Belonging? Popular Entertainment, Race, and Nationalism in Central and Eastern Europe, 1880-today

Location: GWZO Leipzig

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